Feasts and Celebrations

 I love to sit down to a feast set at a long table filled with good things.  We had the opportunity to share just such a feast recently.  Robin and I decided to invite ourselves to my brother and sister in law's house for Christmas dinner.  And while we were at it we decided to invite ourselves to sleep over as well!  It was a great feast of turkey and salad and good wine.  What a blessing to enjoy such a feast with people we love.  
 Of course the star of the gathering is my granddaughter, Zoe.  You can tell she is the star by the fact that she has a star on her shirt in the photo to the right.  She is a whirling dervish of life packed into a little 18 month old package.  Grandchildren truly are the greatest reward for surviving youth and making it to old age.  Zoe is blessed with an abundance of grandparents on both sides of her family.  It is a joy to watch her mother try to  keep up with an incredibly sharp mind and equally keen will.  Zoe will grow up to do great things, I am sure of it.
This feast we also a chance to visit with my niece, Kari.  She now lives in Huston, Texas of all places on God's (somewhat) green earth.   Kari has developed an appreciation of wine over the years, so it is always fun to talk with her about what she has been drinking.  We started our meal with an '06 St Innocent's Willamette Valley Pinot Noir.  From there we proceeded to a Washington State Riesling.  We brought Kari an '06 Bethel Heights Pinot Noir to take home with her to Texas.
Wine reminds me that I am a rich person.  It certainly is not necessary for life.  It is an extravagance.  So, I try to be thankful for just how blessed I am.  Part of that blessing is good wine.  Part of it is being surrounded by family and friends who love me and put up with me.   Part of it is feasts at which we can eat much more than we need for our daily bread.  This feast culminated in a pinochle tournament!  We ended up staying overnight and then into the next day and on into a second supper.  We were graciously asked if we'd like to spend another night.  But we know that "fish and friends start to stink after three days" so we made our way home, driving past the very wineries that had produced the wines we had just enjoyed.  And that's the final blessing.  I live in a wonderful, green, beautiful place, where they make truly beautiful wines.