Farewell Wednesday Wines

 That's Kathy Campbell talking to Robin in the photo above.  Kathy has been the public face of Wednesday Wines since we opened shop in 2007.  A year ago Robin and I decided we would not be able to continue as partners in the shop.  At about that same time we gave up our lease on our 3rd Street location.  Wednesday Wines continued on at the Saturday Market for almost a year.  Now Kathy and crew are closing that location as well.  Kathy is now going to be running an events center here in town called The Venue.  If you are planning a party, or reception, go visit her.  It is located on Highway 99 right across from the high school and behind the Sears Store.
It is really sad for me to see this little shop go.  We opened right as the economy was heading off a cliff.  We didn't know what we were doing, and we didn't have sufficient funds to keep us going until we could learn how everything worked.   I so loved the idea of having a space where folks could gather, share a glass of wine and talk.  I led a number of my Theology of Wine classes in the shop.  We all put a lot of ourselves into it, and it is so hard to shut the doors and walk away.  It seems to me when one part of our lives is shut down, that space gives God the chance to build something new.  But I talk about the new, I wanted to say thank you to Robin, Irma, Garry and especially to Kathy for taking this chance and for allowing me to pursue this project.
So, this door is closed.  Kathy is moving on to an event center, and God is busy doing a brand new thing.  We have a beautiful, industrial kitchen at our McMinnville Cooperative Ministries.  I've dreamed for a long time of using it to do ministry.  It has been wonderful to see some of our members, David and Delia Hammond put together a Saturday morning breakfast that feeds hundreds meals each week.  I also have a dream of doing a food ministry out of the kitchen as well.  Enter Pete Rahier.  That's a pizza Pete made to the right.  He calls it the Mediterranean.  It features grilled zucchini, fresh mozzarella, sun dried tomatoes, and Kalamata olives.  Pete makes it with a regular red sauce as well as one with a pesto sauce.  Pete is a professionally trained chef, who has been making his living working at local home improvement store.  I've been thinking for a while that Pete might be the one to get us going on this project.  There is only one problem.  Our church has absolutely no money to fund the new position.  So, we did what we often do.  We issued Pete a call to be a member of our church staff, but didn't offer to pay him anything.  (And he said yes!)
That's Pete taking a pizza out of the fire oven.  The oven is located at the Saturday Market.  We have to get up bright and early in the morning to get the fire going so that the oven is up to temperature by the time we want to use it.  I was feeding wood into the stove a little before 6:00 AM last Saturday!  The money we are making from the pizzas will help us to secure funds to begin this new project.  Pete jumped off his own financial cliff at the beginning of the month and quit his job.  I have to say I have never seen him happier.  It's powerful what happens when we free ourselves to follow our bliss.  We were out making pizzas last week, freezing our toes off and having about as much fun as people can have.  I'm just so excited for where this is all headed.
Pete has a beautiful wife who is partnering with him in this endeavor.  She and Pete also make the most amazing tamales I have ever tasted.  They take orders for them every other week or so.
If you live around McMinnville, come on over some Saturday afternoon for some amazing pizza.  If you are visiting, make sure you let us know.  I love to show people around our wine country to taste the beautiful creations made so close to where we live.  And by all means, order some tamales from Pete and Jeanne (they go very quickly when they are available).   These two are a joy and a pleasure to know and work with. And don't worry.  Kathy is also a part of this new venture.  She's the only person I know who can work with the OLCC in this state.  She also is passionate about this new ministry, and it is so wonderful to see it coming together.  Eventually we hope to be training folks who are in recovery, or being released from prison.  In the mean time Pete is busy taking catering gigs.  If you have a party coming up, let us know.  We love to celebrate!