Experiencing God in a Vineyard

 Our summer theme at McMinnville Cooperative Ministries is "Hands on Theology."  I got to choose yesterday's theme and, no big surprise, I decided to use vineyards.  I experience God in such places.  There is something about the beautiful way the vines have been laid out, and flow up and down a hillside that speaks to my soul.
Joel and Laurie Kiff were our hosts yesterday.  Robin has been fortunate to have their son, Adam, in her choir at McMinnville High School.  Joel and Laurie were chaperons on Robin's choir tour this year.  They are such positive, wonderful people.  Joel did a wonderful job of walking us through his nine acre vineyard.  It sits right outside the city limits on the northwest edge of town.
 In addition to just talking about the vineyard we got to do a little hands on work.  We were raising up the trellis wiring.  That's Robin in the photo above working with Mike Campbell and Ginger Graham.  You grab the wire, pull it towards you to get the tendrils to release from the wire and then raise it up.  You do this on both sides and then make sure that all of the vines are growing inside the confines of the trellis system.  It was rewarding to see what a difference this process made in the look of the vineyard.
 In the photo above you can see the newly adjusted vines on the left and on the right are the ones that have not yet been adjusted.  Robin said it was almost like combing the hair of the vineyard and taking out all the snarls (I wouldn't know about that).  We did a couple of rows and I only broke half a dozen vines in the process.  I think Joel had to wonder if having a bunch of amateurs running wild in his vineyard was such a good idea!
At the end of our time in the vineyard Joel went up to the house and grabbed a bottle of his '10 Estate Pinot Noir.  He set them up under one of their beautiful, stately oak trees which overlooks the vineyard below.  This was a bonus experience, as I did not expect to taste his wines as a part of our tour.  The wine was beautiful, earthy, with deep colors and a spicy aroma that I just love.  Many of us wanted to buy our case lots on the spot!  Unfortunately Joel does not yet have labels for this beautiful wine (or a name for his winery)!  He's expecting to have the wine ready to sell by this fall.
I also expect to have my project "The Theology of Wine" book completed later this summer.  In fact as I write this I'm in Newport, Oregon with Skip and Judi Rash who have been instrumental in bringing this project to life.  I mentioned to Joel that maybe we could do a joint release party at his vineyard.  It seems as though it would be appropriate to sell my book in a place where I experience God's presence.  What a great experience.  I am blessed.  Thank you Joel and Laurie!