Our church youth group was treated to a special tour of what was at one point the Chinatown of McMinnville. It sits under a few of the store fronts on Third Street. Our host was Matt Worrix who owns the building. When he purchased it he said that he found a few strange things in the basement. Many of the boards had Chinese writing on them. Matt has restored the area to what he imagines it was like when the Chinese community lived down there.
Before they could live there, a huge amount of work was required. They had to hand dig out the entire basement of the building. You can still see the marks where the shovels carved out part of the structure. 
It was especially fun to tour the labyrinthine maze a few days before Halloween. Of course the whole tour I'm thinking, "Man, this would make an amazing wine cellar." But that's just me. The underground dwellings date back to a time when we were exploiting cheap Chinese labor in this country (yeah, way back in the day.) The Chinese labor force was building our infrastructure and cleaning up our messes, but they couldn't legally be seen in public during daylight hours. Thus the need for underground shelter.