Test Run at Maysara with Pastor Tim

Last night we did a test run of our pizza dinner fundraiser for Habitat for Humanity out at Maysara winery. It didn't go very well. I knew we could be headed for trouble when I saw the look of Moe Momtazi's face as I explained my ideas. Moe, the owner of Maysara and the creator of the fire oven, just couldn't see how it would work to cook a pizza in his wood fired oven. It didn't, which was good to know BEFORE we had to cook for a hundred people.
(Photos in this blog were provided by Pastor Tim Christensen, presently of Great Falls Montana.)

Our first challenge was the size of the oven--it's huge, so it takes a long time to heat up. We never did get it to warm up enough to cook the pizzas. Secondly, the oven is set up to be a smoker. The design is brilliant, but not really made for pizza (which is exactly what Moe was trying to tell me!)

But we figured out a solution, and it should go well for the fundraiser on August 1st. Really, you can show up, the food will be great, we've got it all figured out now, and besides, the wines will be spectacular no matter what. The Momtazi's are such hospitable people, and I'm so thankful that they are willing to host this event.

I just love Tahmiene, Moe's daughter and the winemaker for Maysara. She's so intelligent and knows so much about wine. I learn more every time I'm around her. She also has a wickedly dry sense of humor. She wasn't feeling too well last night because of a packed travel schedule. She's been traveling around the US to promote their wines, and to attend a family wedding. Roseena, One of Tahmiene's wines, was recently honored as one of the best wines in the world. The competition was for wineries that produce wine in environmentally sustainable ways.

My friend, Pastor Tim Christensen, from our old stomping grounds in Montana was with us for the pizza test. I love to cook with Tim, and it's one of the things I really miss about not having him close by (so if you know of any Lutheran Churches in western Oregon looking for a pastor, contact Tim Christensen and Sandy Van Zyl right away.) Also aiding me in the cooking department were Jeanne and Pete Rahier. It takes a lot of organizational skills (that I don't have) to cook for a large group of people, so I'm always really thankful to have organized folks like Pete, Jeanne and Pastor Tim) around.

I often times say that drinking good wine is a lot like heaven. Well, last night was a great example of that. After a really hot day the cool breezes through the Van Duzer corridor were a welcomed relief. The Maysara vinyards are so beautiful. Gently flowing grapevines winding uphill to the last touches of sunlight of the day. It's just a beautiful place. I told Tahmiene that I only had one complaint about her Pinot Noir. Every time I open one it disappears with alarming speed. She said she'd work on it. (Maybe a bigger bottle?) What a beautiful night with friends and great wine.