Concrete Finishers Are the Best Singers

Maybe it's just because it's Cinco de Mayo, but the concrete finishers from Finishing Touches are great singers. It might also be the acoustics of the basement now that it has an additional hard surface.
Yesterday was a tough one. Had to have all of the plumbing done so that they could do the pour today. My plumbing did not pass inspection, so, of course I was doing it over . . . and over . . . and over. After working non-stop for six hours at a task I would really rather not be doing, I called the inspector and she rushed over. It all got approved, Cellar Ridge got the new hanging bracket on the new beam, and we were all ready for this morning. All of this plumbing work was for the three pipes sticking up out of the ground that you see in the picture above. It's just that you have to have it in the ground, and it has to be right BEFORE they put down the concrete. Sure you can cut it out later, but you don't want to have to be doing that.
Yesterday I finished up with the inspection, ran upstairs, cleaned up, changed clothes and then ran across the street and grabbed the bus to go see Desmond Tutu speak at the University of Portland. Very, very cool. It was fun to take up a whole busload of folks from the Cooperative Ministries to see such an inspired person. I was wondering what we were all doing up there together, when it struck me that we wanted to feel Tutu's energy, wanted to be in close proximity to it, to absorb and be inspired by it, and I was.
So, happy Cinco de Mayo. If you want to hear some great, authentic, acoustically perfect singing, come on by the house. It seems to resonate just perfectly up to my chair in the living room right in front of the fireplace.